Lella goes to SOUTH America

Viaggio in Sud America da Maggio 2006

Saturday, May 20, 2006

More than 10 differents liqueurs home-made
Piu di 10 differenti liquori fatti in casa da uva, limoni, pomelo, dulce de leche, cioccolata, etc.
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A "small" barbecue for a fiesta in the winary
(un "piccolo" grill per una festa nelle vigne)
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Mendoza, Maipù. At the winaries
(nei vigneti di Maipu, Mendoza, Argentina)
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With the bikes through the winaries in Maipù
(con le biciclette tra i vigneti di Maipù)
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Friday, May 19, 2006

me too...
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Border Chile-Argentina 2800m under the snow
Frontiera Cile-Argentina al
Paso de Los Libertadores
2800m sotto la neve

From Valdivia to Santiago and than
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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Leone di mare al mercato di Valdivia, tanbien!
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Cormorano al mercato in Valdivia
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Crab - granchi
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Market in Valdivia
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The market in Valdivia, morning fog
(il mercato a Valdivia con la nebbia mattutina)
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

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Ambrosoli in Chile!
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(Reciclaggio sull'Isola Chiloé)
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Monday, May 15, 2006

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One of the many churches on isla Chiloé
(una delle tante chiese sull isola)
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Castro, Isla Chiloé
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Palafito (stilt village) in Castro, Isla Chiloé
(Palafitta a Castro)
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